Farming - Maseru, , Lesotho
The first integrated commercial broiler operation utilizing the latest technologies in High Precision Farming methods in the Kingdom of Lesotho.Mountain Farms seeks a future of healthy lifestyles for the people of Lesotho,aided in part by the consumption of fresher, and safer products.To remain true to this vision,our core activities in farming and processing operations are guided by our belief that we can only create,capture and sustain value for all our key stakeholders if we appreciate and recognize their legitimate expectations.Mountain Farms will achieve this while we simultaneously provide superior yet predictable returns to our providers of capital who have invested in our vision,a safe and stimulating work environment to our employees,mutually beneficial relationship with our input suppliers, and build social capital by investing in the communities within which operate.We belief it is possible to deliver solid financial returns in the medium to long run with the least harm to our environment.This includes our choice of cleaner energy sources at our farms and abattoir,efficient water use,and environmentally friendly solid waste disposal.In short,it is the triple bottom line that matters to us...sustainable superior financial performance within a socially and environmentally responsible context.And yes,we strive to conduct our business in line with the GRI guidelines on sustainability.