Management Consulting - Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands
Moving As One ondersteunt ondernemers en leiders om het verandervermogen van hun organisaties te maximaliseren en hun ambities waar te maken. Wij creëren impact met duidelijke inzichten, inspiratie en het vermogen om mensen samen in beweging te laten komen. Want dan ontstaan responsieve organisaties: wendbaar, veerkrachtig, energiek en in staat om van binnenuit te veranderen. Wij werken met klanten op vier samenhangende beleidsthema's: Visie & Missie, Strategie, Merkidentiteit & Positionering, Leiderschap & Teamontwikkeling. Zowel op project- als interim-basis.Moving As One supports entrepreneurs and leaders to maximize their organization's capacity to change and realize their ambitions. We create impact with clear insights, inspiration and the ability to get people moving together. Because that's how organizations become responsive: agile, resilient, energetic and able to change from within. We work with our customers on four related strategic themes: Vision & Mission, Strategy, Brand Identity & Positioning, Leadership & Team Development. We work both on projects and on an interim basis.
Woo Commerce
Google Font API
Microsoft Office 365