Animation - Seoul, , South Korea
MQBIG created "Buru & Forest Friends," a TV animated series based on stories about bugs in the woods. KBS 2TV aired 26 episodes of the series on Mondays starting with the first episode of "Buru, Where are we now?" on May 16, 2011. The series recorded the highest audience rating for KBS for the year 2011. Since the completion of "Buru & Forest Friends" Season 1, MQBIG is conducting marketing activities for overseas markets and additional activities such as publication and animation character toys. MQBIG participated in the global markets such as MIPTV, MIP Junior and MIP COM and succeeded in signing deals with Thailand Work Point Entertainment and Danish Broadcasting Service ‘DR' to introduce "Buru & Forest Friends" dubbed in Danish starting in March 2013. The next projects of MQBIG are the production of "Buru & Forest Friends" Season 2 and "The Snow Queen," an animation feature film. "The Snow Queen" will be directed by Sung-gang Lee, the director of "My Beautiful Girl, Mari" and "Yobi." Director Lee is a representative Korean producer who received recognition at international film festivals and has received various prizes including Grand Prize at the 2002 Annecy International Animation Festival. "The Snow Queen" and "Buru & Forest Friends" Season 2 are now in the final stage of pre-production. We are now pursuing global joint investment projects in Denmark, France, Canada and other countries and are also looking for domestic investors for projects.