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So you have a website, now what? You have your products online, you have a page about you, but traffic to your site is fairly static. You've bought keywords on search engines, paid for links in directories, but it just doesn't seem to be enough. In a lot of cases it turns out to be too much, you pay a lot of money, and you see more traffic coming to your site, but you're not really generating anymore sales.Mr. Tech has the answer to the question "How to I make my Internet presence generate more revenue". Making your site generate more revenue takes several things, many of them recurring. Your customers expect your site to be fresh, and they expect you to talk to them, not at them. E-mail lists and "E-mail Blasts" are a thing of the past. Your message get's lost in the noise of e-mails about Nigerian inheritances and the enlargement of anatomical appendages. Mr. Tech can help you connect with your customers on a more personal level, and generate sales, without taking up vast amounts of your time.If a customer comes to your site and sees engaging and up to date content, they will return. By judicious use of social media like Facebook, Twitter, and Blogging, you can talk to your customers, not at them. Your customers will want to check back on your website frequently, to see what's up with you and the gang at Your Company, Inc. Mr. Tech Image, helps you to create a customer friendly image and helps you maintain and sharpen that image into the future.