Sports - Maastricht, Limburg, Netherlands
Welcome to the website of "De Maraboes" the notorious rugby club from Maastricht. The Maastrichtse Studenten Rugby Genootschap was founded in 1989 and has since reached an active member body of over thirty people and over 40 alumni, all members of the famed Old Maraboes Association the O.M.A. Rugby is the perfect sport for students. Life-long friendships are formed both on and off the pitch. It is one of the most popular sports in the world, which translates to the rich traditions that surround the rugby way of life. The set-up of the game allows for rugby to accomodate a position for every posture imaginable. Slim, tall, short or fat; everyone has a role. The Maraboes are a tight group who train intensely two times a week under supervision of an experienced coach. We compete in the Dutch national competition and several tournaments. There's a competitive team and a development team. Our accommodation is top notch and even enables us to host international games! Besides rugby, the Maraboes are known throughout the bars in Maastricht as the boys that enjoy their beers and know how to party. It is for this reason that regular team outings and organised evenings with fraternities and sororities are plentiful on our annual calendar. Highlights of the year include Christmasdiner, OMA cup, Dendermonde and the famous yearly Maraboes Tour. The Maraboes Tour takes the team to an unknown city within Europe where Rugby and diehard partying are combined into a blend of fun, pain and most importantly team building. If you reckon you've got it in you to become a Maraboe don't hesitate to contact us.
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