Telecommunications - Alexandria, Alexandria Governorate, Egypt
MTC Telecom. MTC is an Egyptian holding company head quartered in Alexandria-Egypt MTC aims to give full integrated solutions in the telecommunication, information technology and power fields. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vision : Being the preferred choice for our intended customers in providing integrated telecommunication information technology and power solutions in Egypt, middle-east and overseas. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mission : Our mission is concentrated in four main aspects: Customer: Provide world-class quality integrated solution with the most adequate cost-benefit approach possible Shareholders: Having a profitable company that makes our shareholders value their investment Employees: Having professional and loyal employees, invest in them through applying the adequate international model, especially on culture and training perspectives, we intend to make MTC a real favorable work place Society: Boost the productivity Of the telecommunication, information technology and power integrated solutions, we target a connected society" adopting world class quality. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Core Values: •We respect •We aim to be Pioneers for our customers •We value our employees •We dare to transform •We challenge ourselves to add the best value
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