Management Consulting - New Taipei, New Taipei, Taiwan
MU Sigma Group 美優管理顧問公司是最專業的六標準差策略顧問:全球精益、DFSS六標準差設計、TRIZ創新轉型專家、領導力、企業戰略規劃, 競爭力課程, DFX, DFA可組裝設計, DFP, DFM可製造設計,創新管理,專利布局。To provide Best-In-Class practices for our customers as a change agent through breakthrough performance improvement with sustainable financial results. Our Programs:Six Sigma Leadership JumpstartSix Sigma for Process ImprovementDesign for Six SigmaSoftware DFSSSix Sigma for Sales & MarketingSix Sigma for Technology DevelopmentLean Six Sigma for IT and Software; Finance; Supply Chain; HR & Administration; & ServiceDesign for X SeriesDFM: Design for ManufacturingDFA: Design for AssemblyDFT: Design for TestingDFP: Design for PostponementDFI: Design for InterexchangeDFR: Design for ReliabilityDFS: Design for Sourcing
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