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MUCHAPEDIA, pronounced [moo-chuh-pee-dee-yuh] is an acronym. It stands for Mobilizing Urgent Collective Human Action to Protect the Earth and Develop International Awareness.Pretty self explanatory, really, and a fairly concise description of our mission. Through the power of information, we intend to raise awareness of the potential threats of global warming, pollution, and peak oil. Furthermore, through this new knowledge, we seek to inspire collective action from people in all walks of life, all over this country, and, eventually the world, to end the fossil fuel addiction that is destroying our health, our welfare, our national security, and our planet.We take this mission very seriously, because we firmly believe that time is of the essence when it comes to the consequences of our fossil fuel consumption.We strive to provide content that is both educational and entertaining, because even though the oil barrel is half empty, we try to see the glass as half full. Enough websites exist already that preach the message of doom and gloom, so, while these issues are, indeed, highly foreboding in nature, we attempt to encourage a more optimistic outlook for the future. We believe that this outcome is achievable via informed action, which is what we are attempting to engender on the pages of this site.Eventually, we hope to become the most comprehensive alternative energy website around, and we are 110% dedicated to achieving this goal. We hope that we can count on your continued support in our endeavor.