Accounting - Southlake, TX, US
Rick Mullins, JD, MBA, CPA, PresidentRick grew up in El Paso before graduating with anaccounting degree from Hardin-Simmons Universityin Abilene in 1985. He taught accounting and wasa revenue agent in the Dallas District of the InternalRevenue Service (IRS) before going back to schoolto get his law degree and MBA. After completing hislegal course work in 1992, Rick worked at the Houstonoffice of Ernst & Young, LLP (EY) while continuing hisMBA course work and passing the CPA exam.After completing his MBA and leaving EY, Rick workedas a CPA, and practiced law for a short time beforeaccepting a position as an author and technicaleditor with the Thomson Legal & Regulatory Group- Practitioners Publishing Company (PPC), now asubsidiary of ThomsonReuters. While at PPC, Rick wasthe managing editor of PPC's Guides to Dealing withthe IRS and was a co-author of books on retirement,estate, and life insurance planning strategies. Usingwhat he learned in Houston, Rick started a small oiland gas business in 1996. With gross receipts startingfrom less than $100,000 and growing to over $35million in just over a decade, he has direct experiencein starting and growing a businesses.Although his accounting firm specializes in accounting,tax compliance, and tax planning, his experienceon other small business issues is available to eachsmall business client as they expand and nurturetheir business to its fullest potential. He is a memberof many public accounting and bar associations andis active on several committees dealing with smallbusiness regulation and finance. Since 1988 he hasbeen very happily married to Theresa Mullins and theyhave five children.