Information Technology & Services - Kruibeke, Flanders, Belgium
Based on broad experience in (multi-)project management, we create added value by an optimal management of your project portfolio. We assist your company with our expertise and innovative methodologies (bottleneck, buffer, priority and task management) to overcome project issues such as unfeasible deadlines, unclear project planning, overload of resources, etc. Based on these methodologies we offer you also the unique cloud-based software tool Epicflow for an optimal multi-project and resource management. This software offers you a lot of benefits such as increased output and shorter lead times, no overload of resources, one overall prioritised tasks list, simulations in the future and added value in synchronisation with other planning tools (MS Project, Jira, Primavera, …). Our objective is to work in partnership to let your projects flow with the highest possible output and an optimal resource management.Feel free to contact us via or visit our website for more information.
Bootstrap Framework