Real Estate - , ,
Q) What is Mumbai Realty Club?A) Mumbai Realty Club is made up of local chapters (trusted circles) of realtors who have come together for mutual benefit. Currently we have three chapters:1) SMC – South Mumbai Chapter (Paid, Property Assist active)2) BAC – Bandra Andheri Chapter (Free)3) DCC – Dadar Chembur Chapter (Free)Q) What is the objective of Mumbai Realty Club?A) Mumbai Realty Club provides realtor tools to succeed and scale up. Here's how:1) Business Together with Property Assist – MRC maintains a database of all proposals that chapter members share. Next time when a chapter member has an enquiry, we send him/her a list of matching proposals along with broker names and numbers. This ensures the chapter member does not waste time maintaining a personal database of broker proposals (as 50%-70% could be unusable) and saves that time to service more clients. (Or take his/her spouse to dinner!)2) Getting Efficient Together: Seminars from legal, tax and other experts. Sharing and adopting best practices to make transactions simpler and efficient for everyone involved.3) Learning Together: Sharing of information as critical as latest transactions in the market to important information like database of floor plans and C.S.No's of new projects and old buildings.To join any or all the chapters, make an application here: