Transportation - Boston, MA, US
The motor vessel Fintry is one of sixty-four Fleet Tenders built for the British Royal Navy from 1963 through 1982 on the same 79' hull. Although they had four different deckhouse configurations, their hulls and machinery were identical. In their original configuration, they could carry 110 passengers or 25 tons of cargo in two holds and on deck. They had a Lloyds 100A1 classification (the highest possible) for operations from the Elbe to Brest, which includes the North Sea and the English Channel, some of the nastiest waters in the world.We bought her in 2003, and moved her to Manor Marine, a yard with a great deal of small ship experience, at Portland Harbour, Dorset, England. Manor extended the wheelhouse by four feet, extended the aft upper deck to the hull line, installed the Cat 3406, two Northern Lights gensets, and the bow thruster, as well as stripping her to bare steel and repainting and replacing the rub rail all around. They also added two fuel tanks of 1,800 USG each and two water tanks of 500 USG each. We brought her across the Atlantic via the Azores in 2005 and berthed her in East Boston. Since then we have been working on her conversion to an Expedition Yacht and, since 2013, living aboard.