Professional Training & Coaching - Kingston, , Jamaica
MWC Associates Ltd. was founded in July 2007 by Marcia Woon Choy and is a coaching and training company which has, as its vision "Jamaica Abundance through Business Re-education, Leadership Transformation and Employee Activation". It accomplishes its vision by offering services and products of three (3) major brands/franchises to local and Caribbean businesses of all sizes. The brands and franchises are as follows:ActionCOACHIt operates the exclusive Jamaican franchise of ActionCOACH which is the World's #1 business coaching firm. Founded in 1993 by Australian-born entrepreneur Brad Sugars, ActionCOACH is one of the fastest growing franchises in the world. Currently, ActionCOACH has more than 1,000 offices in over 75 countries and has been named the number one business coaching firm by Entrepreneur Magazine every year since 2004. The John Maxwell Team The company also has two certified John Maxwell Team Member coaches, Marcia Woon Choy and Tanya Powell. Both coaches are authorized to utilize the Leadership training courses and workshop material of Dr. John C. Maxwell in the leadership training and transformation for companies. Engage and GrowIn July 2017 the company through its CEO, Marcia Woon Choy now has the license to operate one of the fastest growing businesses in the word, Engage and Grow, which was founded by Richard Maloney which now boasts coaches in over 60 countries. Its mandate globally is to increase the engagement and activation of teams in businesses.
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