Health, Wellness & Fitness - , ,
My 5 is a workplace health and wellbeing business which has developed an online health and wellbeing product called the My 5 program. This program has been specifically designed as an effective wellbeing resource to help prevent and alleviate many of the typical stresses, aches and pains commonly associated with sitting at a desk and long term computer usage, in addition to offering simple, effective exercises and strategies to help manage stress levels more effectively, improve concentration as well as performance levels.It also includes a holistic guide to healthy living called My 5 Naturally which offers a dynamic and live health and wellbeing resource providing practical suggestions and information on a wide range of health and lifestyle issues, relating to nutrition, stress management, relationship management, self-motivation, sleep, and immune system boosters, to name a few.As the My 5 program is online, it is accessible from any place which has internet access which includes the home and workplace, and any mobile devices, and it can be customized to your needs. The program offers employers an invaluable corporate reporting function at the back end, giving detailed statistics and measurable data on how the program is being utilized which will in turn provide vital information about current health trends within the business and highlighting potential areas where there may be health issues that need further investigation.
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