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MyMT™ is an on-line 12-Step Menopause Transformation Program that delivers outstanding results to women who want to reduce their menopause symptoms through an evidenced, progressive system of lifestyle change strategies. It has been developed by New Zealand's leading wellness coach, Wendy Sweet as a result of her PhD studies in women's healthy ageing as well as her personal experience and business woman, Gerry Glover (MBA). When menopause arrives, women need to restore the hormonal balance to a ‘new normal' and if symptoms are impacting on daily energy levels and wellbeing, then this is a sign that menopause hormonal changes are clashing with a woman's modern, busy lifestyle. Too often this affects the energy and wellbeing of women in the workplace and sends them into a spiral of health concerns at a time of their life when they need and want to remain relevant, active and energetic. MyMT™ is passionate about women's healthy ageing. It matters more than you think. This is because in an ageing world women will outnumber men (WHO, 2012). We believe that for too long menopause has been hidden and framed in medicine not wellness. MyMT™ aims to change that. Whether you are an individual wanting support and a scientifically designed wellness program that ‘just' targets mid-life women or you are interested in a systematic and evidenced program for workplace wellness schemes, I invite you to get in touch.
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