Mental Health Care - , , is a website that empowers patients and caregivers to be their own advocates by providing information and resources to help them learn about their conditions and their legal rights. Our goal is to offer reliable, up-to-date information and resources to help visitors understand, and learn about, specific conditions, treatment options, legal rights, and resources for themselves and/or their loved ones. We attempt to do this by offering a brief description of specific conditions and providing links to reliable websites for further information. I On our blog, we elaborate further on these conditions, particularly on common, and not so common, problems associated with each one. For example, we address topics, such as how to find the right doctor and therapist; the pros and cons of getting treatment at a clinic, with a private psychiatrist, a primary care physician, or a clinical nurse practitioner; how to find out if a clinical nurse practitioner is getting the supervision required by law; how to make sure school and/or work accommodations are right for patients or loved ones; the patient's legal rights, and much more. On our social network, visitors may connect with other people who share their concerns. Support groups may be formed to further enhance the visitor's experience. Our website is powered by 100% green renewable energy! We welcome questions and comments.
Ruby On Rails
Amazon AWS
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Bootstrap Framework