E-learning - Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
MyAbhyaas is all about leveraging technology and the power of Internet to enable billions of youth acquire practical know-how and skills to become competent professionals. While "My" is about our commitment to provide personalized learning to students and professionals, Abhyaasa (abh-YAH- sah) is taken from Sanskrit – one of the oldest Indo-European languages. Abhyaasa (abh-YAH- sah) implies a consistent and dedicated effort on acquiring knowledge and skills to realize one's true potential.We are here to democratize learning by bringing top-notch academicians and corporate professionals as instructors, mentors and personal guides to students and professionals who are continuously working towards their skills building. We firmly believe that such a great enabler like education must go beyond the boundaries of classroom and geographies and must reach to billions of youth. We believe in Knowledge At Your Fingertips! And are working towards realizing this.