Information Technology & Services - Granite Bay, California, United States
The myCloudWatcher Service provides Managed Cloud Hosting Today.This service aggregates all of your alerts and bills into one service.We focus your team on the root cause of alerts to provide fast Disaster Recovery.The Life Cycle of your project will be managed from: Deployment, to Live Service and then "End of Service" clean up.The myCloudWatcher service was born from the need for Projects to be Deployed in the Clouds. It took on the name myCloudWatcher when we realized that this task does not end with Deployment. It is important to monitor and evaluate trends to avoid down time.Today our Clients get the benefits of the "Big Picture" that myCloudWatcher's sees from the thousands of servers we mange today.Please call me at: +1-916-202-1600Skype: EdwardMGoldbergWe can talk more about the services myCloudWatcher Provides.
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