Information Services - Luxembourg City, Luxembourg, Luxembourg
MyHippocrates aims to resolve and ease inconveniences for the various entities of the Healthcare ecosystem by providing modern technology based solutions.The mission for MyHippocrates is to become the main repository of personal medical data and to allow patients and doctors to make flexible and efficient use of their health data.The current Healthcare ecosystem is very complex. A patient's data are locked in local systems (at adoctor's, hospitals, etc.), mostly unshakeable, and unusable by the patient himself. Existing softwarelacks features to properly use the data for the patient's benefit and prevent health professionals tobenefit from recent technologies. As a consequence, medical procedures are often duplicated andimportant information missed, at a high cost for patients and society.We offer doctors a full mobile EMR solution that is based on a secure cloud platform allowing easysharing of data between their patients, health providers, and allows third-party applications, such asmonitoring devices and health apps, to connect.Patients will have their own application to monitor their health data and seamlessly upload self collecteddata that can be viewed by health professionals. As owner of the data, the patient will beable to allow doctors to access part or all of his medical record, and will control who can access whichdata.