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ELI Talks works with organizations and individuals to cultivate, to raise up, and to transmit inspired Jewish ideas. Through ELI's digital media and conversations on and offline, ELI curates a canon of new Jewish thought. This living Gemara, deeply rooted in text and tradition, serves to mirror, to energize, and to enrich the entire spectrum of Jewish observance, while acting as a beacon of discourse and civility in today's world. Inspired Jewish ideas emerge at the intersection of Jewish tradition and your unique story. Drawing on the model of Jewish discourse and the latest in digital technology, ELI captures, transmits, and nurtures these ideas. We envision a Jewish future in which every Jew feels a sense of confidence in their tradition as a rich source of creativity, innovation, and inspiration. At the heart of every ELI talk is Jewish religious engagement (E), Jewish literacy (L), and Jewish identity (I) with Israel and peoplehood at the core. Our work is driven by the values of ahavat yisrael (love of fellow Jews and the land of Israel), chidush (innovation within tradition), and machloket l'shem shamayim (argument for the sake of Heaven). Our online presence provides a platform for ideas and sources to be shared, and a home for wide-ranging voices to converse skillfully and compassionately with one another. ELI talks are not meant to be relics on a digital shelf, rather, they are conversation catalysts intended to be turned, questioned, and contradicted, in prayer spaces and offices, around boardroom tables, and in the intimacy of our own homes. Our speakers span the depth and breadth of the Jewish experience, but they aren't individual and independent voices: they are all connected to each other and to our collective tradition. If we want a vibrant Jewish future, we need inspired Jewish ideas. What's yours?Follow us:Facebook - - @ELI_talksInstagram: inspiredjewishideas
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