Computer Software - Seattle, Washington, United States
At Mylo, we believe that every person seeks out memorable moments. Not just moments for selfies at popular tourist attractions, but the hidden gems as well. It could be that corner window seat of a café that you stumbled into or that vintage jazz record that your uncle texted you to listen to. These experiences, big and small, are worth remembering. That's why Mylo brings what you've done and what you want to do into one convenient place. Never waste time searching for what to do next, as Mylo helps you curate a bucket list based on you and your closest friends' recommendations. And once you check off that item on your bucket list, mark it as something you "Recommend" or "Dislike" so that you can always look back and remember how the experience made you feel. There's a world of experiences out there that you love but have yet to learn about. Instead of getting caught between generic suggestion websites or inauthentic influencers' posts, let Mylo guide you so you can enjoy recommendations that are just right for you.
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