Entertainment - Yangon, Yangon Region, Myanmar (Burma)
We are #no.1 gaming company in Myanmar. We have published many games under the name of Total Game Play. It was founded in 2013 and founders are Mr.Myint Kyaw Thu and Mr.Zaw Ye Myint. Our famous games are Tamain paw thoot, Myanmar chess, Chin Lone (2014 Myanmar Sea game), Nga pain tingyan and so on. Later on we lunched MyPLAY in 2015 and start to focus on online games and implement various payment method. With MyPLAY , we have published SKM world ( traditional card game), Opoke Saga (based on candy crash),Show City, Children village, Rage of Rama (based on ancient Rama story), Lan mataw poe thot (developing), Age of Bayin naung(developing) and so on. My PLAY has participated in Tokyo game show 2014,2015,2016 and won best character animation award in 2016. We also exhibited Myanmar games in one of the largest gaming event in Korea (G-star), 2016. Currently we co operated with a foreign company called iSentric and planning to develop better digital products, digital entertainments and digital services in Myanmar and SEA countries.Currently we have 1,000,000 + registered users and daily active users is between 25,000 and 30,000. ---------------------------------------------------------Download our games: https://play.google.com/store/apps/developer?id=MyPLAYContact us: infomyplay@gmail.com---------------------------------------------------------
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