Staffing & Recruiting - Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte, Western Province, Sri Lanka is the largest database of CV collection in Sri Lanka. Our candidate database is diverse, unique and strong. We invite you to tap into it to find the best talent that fit into your company. Employees are a company's greatest asset and they are the competitive advantage of any company. You want to attract and retain the best; provide them with encouragement, stimulus, and make them feel that they are an integral part of your company. Our data bank of candidates is constantly updated and we use this database to make an appropriate match. Our commitment to our candidates is demonstrated by our attention. Our data Bank is up to date and collecting applications from potential candidates by advertising on printed and electronic media. Skills and talents are of no use without opportunity and there is no use of such opportunities that are not accessible. is the portal that gives Job seekers and companies quick and convenient access to our huge database of listing of candidates in Sri Lanka. The information displayed on this website is verified and is completely genuine. You can browse our website for all the information you require in the recruitment field.Potential Employers can benefit in a big way by visiting our website for their requirements and you can contact us for all the information you require. We have special programs for Companies as well as for candidates in order to help candidates to find suitable employment opportunities and for the companies to find the best employees they are looking out for ! Search, filter and save the talent you discover, all in one easy-to-use platform of