Insurance - Stockholm, Stockholm, Sw
I en värld där allt blir digitalt och där både samhälls- och samtalsklimatet blir allt hårdare kämpar vi för alla de som på något sätt utsätts eller drabbas av problem i den digitala världen. Vi tar upp kampen mot den brottslighet som organiserat bedriver sin verksamhet över nätet men också mot det näthat som drabbar såväl unga som vuxna, kända som okända. Vi vill att du ska känna dig trygg i den digitala världen. Vare sig det handlar om att slutföra ett köp eller att lägga upp en bild i sociala medier. Vi finns för att du ska kunna leva ett tryggt liv i den digitala vardagen. Ett liv utan hot, hat, kränkningar, kapningar eller stölder. Vi är mySafety Försäkringar.mySafety Försäkringar växer snabbt och stabilt och är i dag ledande inom personlig trygghet och vardagssäkerhet i Sverige, Norge och Finland.Vi är en sälj-, service- och kunddriven organisation som vill bidra till att skapa en tryggare vardag för både privatpersoner och företag. I takt med att samhällets hotbild förändras och blir alltmer digital utvecklar vi nya, effektiva skydd och försäkringar som kompletterar och stärker upp människors vanliga basförsäkringar.Året om, dygnet runt hjälper vi på mySafety Försäkringar över en miljon kunder att skydda, spärra och spåra ID-handlingar, bankkort, mobiltelefoner, husdjur, cyklar och nycklar. mySafety Försäkringar är aktiva i samhällsdebatten när det handlar om trygghet i den digitala världen. Vi arrangerar events, föreläsningar och seminarier om t.ex. id-stölder, kränkningar, kapningar och näthat. För att få ännu starkare genomslag samarbetar vi ofta med polis, banker, kortutgivare och olika samhällsorganisationer.Arbetsklimatet på mySafety Försäkringar präglas av energi, engagemang och effektivitet, mångfald, glädje, respekt och frihet under ansvar. mySafety Försäkringars svenska verksamheten bedrivs från huvudkontoret i Stockholm, där vi också har kundservice, försäljningsavdelning och produktutveckling.
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MySafety Försäkringar AB is a leading insurance provider based in Sweden. If you're looking for contact information for MySafety Försäkringar AB, ConnectPlex is the perfect place to start. Our comprehensive database contains detailed information on millions of companies worldwide, including MySafety Försäkringar AB. With ConnectPlex, you can quickly and easily find the contact information you need to connect with the right people at MySafety Försäkringar AB. Our database is constantly updated and verified to ensure accuracy, so you can trust that the information you find is up-to-date and reliable. Whether you're looking to get in touch with a specific department or individual, ConnectPlex has got you covered. Start your search today and discover why ConnectPlex is the go-to resource for businesses looking to connect with MySafety Försäkringar AB.
mySafety Föorsäkringar AB is a leading provider of personal safety and everyday security solutions in Sweden, Norway, and Finland. With a focus on creating a safer digital world, mySafety offers a range of services and products that help protect individuals and businesses from the risks associated with the digital age. Based in Stockholm, mySafety has a strong presence in the Nordic region and is committed to providing its customers with the highest level of service and support. The company's mission is to create a safer and more secure environment for everyone, whether it's protecting personal information, financial assets, or property. mySafety's product portfolio includes a range of innovative solutions that cater to the diverse needs of its customers. These include identity protection, mobile phone insurance, home insurance, and cyber insurance, among others. The company's team of experts works tirelessly to stay ahead of the curve and develop new products and services that address emerging threats and risks in the digital world. In addition to its product offerings, mySafety is also actively involved in promoting digital safety and security awareness. The company regularly hosts events, workshops, and seminars on topics such as identity theft, cyberbullying, and online safety. mySafety also collaborates with law enforcement agencies, banks, and other organizations to promote digital safety and security. At mySafety, the work environment is characterized by energy, engagement, and efficiency. The company values diversity, respect, and freedom under responsibility, and strives to create a positive and inclusive workplace culture. mySafety's Swedish operations are based in Stockholm, where the company has a dedicated customer service team, sales department, and product development division. Overall, mySafety Föorsäkringar AB is a trusted and reliable partner for anyone looking to protect themselves and their loved ones in the digital age. With its comprehensive range of products and services, commitment to digital safety and security awareness, and dedication to customer satisfaction, mySafety is the go-to choice for personal safety and everyday security solutions in the Nordic region.
At mySafety Insurance, we work to make the digital world a safer place for everyone. We fight against cybercrime and online harassment, and we help people feel secure when shopping or sharing personal information online. Our goal is to make sure everyone can live a safe and secure life in the digital age, free from threats, hate, bullying, theft, or fraud. We are a growing and stable company, leading the way in personal safety and everyday security in Sweden, Norway, and Finland. We are a customer-focused organization that wants to help create a safer world for both individuals and businesses. As the digital landscape changes, we develop new and effective protection and insurance services to complement and strengthen people's basic insurance coverage. Every day, we help over a million customers protect, block, and track ID documents, bank cards, mobile phones, pets, bicycles, and keys. We are active in society's debate on digital safety and arrange events, lectures, and seminars on topics such as identity theft, harassment, hacking, and online bullying. We collaborate with the police, banks, card issuers, and various social organizations to have an even greater impact. Our work environment at mySafety Insurance is characterized by energy, engagement, and efficiency, diversity, joy, respect, and freedom under responsibility. Our Swedish operations are based in Stockholm, where we also have customer service, sales, and product development.