Telecommunications - Arusha, Arusha, Tanzania
1.0 INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATIONS 1.1 Industrial services and consult1.2 Engineering Design1.3 PLC and SCADA systems1.4 Preventive maintenance in industrial machinery 1.5 Air conditions1.6 Generators and backup power for industrial machinery 1.7 24/7 customer support2.0 TWO WAY RADIOWe have analyse the key factor and come up with best solutions as a major role to enhance operations in mining industries, oil and gas company , small and large manufacturing industries , Building and constructions organization 2.1 supply of radio communication facilities2.2 Radio programming and installation2.3 Power system 2.4 Maintenance and repair of radio facilities2.5 Installation of radio management tools and software2.6 Active and Preventive maintenance in radio network eg IP SITE CONNECT Motortrbo solutions2.7 Duplexer and Antenna tuning2.8 Site survey 2.9 Consultation on telecommunications radio communication systems2.10 24/7 customer support3.0 VEHICLE AND ASSET TRACKING3.1 fleet management using world class fleet GPS platforms3.2 Fuel level monitoring 3.3 Geo-fence and driver behaviour monitoring3.4 Driver ID3.5 Immobilizer for remote vehicle or asset monitoring3.6 Day/week/month vehicle and asset report3.7 IoT tracking consultations3.8 24/7 customer support4.0 TELECOMMUNICATION INFRASTRUCTUTRE SERVICES4.1 Radio network optimizationMzawa teletech company limited has a number of professional competent personnel with more than 5 years of experience in conducting telecommunications RAN activities from RF&TX equipment installation, commissioning, integrations and swapping from 2G, 3G,4G. from ERICSSON, NOKIA, HUAWEI, ZTE, CERAGON etc.4.2 Active and preventive maintenance4.2.1 BTS maintenance4.2.2 Transmission equipment maintenance4.2.3 Core network facilities maintenance4.3 Micro wave link solutions4.4 Fiber transmission line activities4.5 5G case studying4.6 Voice over IP solutions4.6.1 PBX installations4.6.2 System troubleshooting &4.6.3 P
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