Architecture & Planning - Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Michael McNaught formed m squared Architecture to pursue projects that express three elements: the Culture that created the programmatic vision, the community that defines the place and the connection to 'place' and the distant views that unite its position with the world. I am an advocate and champion that storytelling is the route to a greater sense of defining where we are going by knowing who we are and where we are from. Architecture is more about listening and allowing the clients cultural identity and direction to define what is the essence of a project. Through this collaborative process the program becomes greater than itself and defines the place through a habitable cultural expression. My projects all start with research and workshops to gain footing into the next level down that truly define the essence of the clients true program requirements. 'Passion can create Drama out of inert stone' Le Corbusieris a quote that speaks to how I work for a client. Navigating successfully through multi-stakeholder engagements requires focus, commitment, experience. but most of all passion. I am dedicated to each project and lead them from start to finish and offer myself as the single point of contact. Each project is unique, and through dedicated and passion driven collaboration my team bring together and focus the stakeholders on achievable solutions that resonate.
Ruby On Rails
Phusion Passenger
Cloudflare DNS
Amazon AWS
Google Analytics
Mobile Friendly