Utilities - , ,
The Nordic Association of Electricity Traders is a non-profit organization that was established in 1996 by companies active in the Nordic Power Market. Our mission is "to make the world's best power market better". NAET has over 50 member companies representing different kinds of market players such as power producers, distributors, industrial companies and financial institutions. NAET's focus is on two key issues; liquidity and transparency on the Nordic Power Market. NAET has representatives both in the Nasdaq OMX Commodities Financial Product Group as well as in Nordpool Spot's Customer Advisory Board in order to follow and influence developments in these issues. Additionally, we participate in discussions with authorities and legislators to secure a favourable market development on behalf of the members. In the area of compliance and regulation we sponsor different kinds of projects that are of great importance to our members, such as interpretation of the legislation around IFRS. We are also one of the bodies that are entitled to give our opinion on Mifid to Norway's Ministry of Finance.
Ruby On Rails
Phusion Passenger
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