Nanotechnology - , ,
The company was organized in the Czech Republic in 2008 as a continuation of the business, which began in Ukraine in 1993. From the beginning to the present day we consider it a family business, as 90% of all involved have dedicated their life to the success and prosperity of the commercialization of nanodiamond. Since 1993, we are constantly working on the production and commercialization of the material – nanodiamond, in order to be ready to fulfill the future need from industry! What makes us unique?: We are the first industrial manufacturer of nanodiamonds in the world market (Asia, North America, Europe). 1. We have scalable TECHNOLOGY for production to cover any future needs of increase, 2. HIGHLY SKILLED SCIENTISTS, 3. and lets not forget the very important resource we have, namely TNT&RDX (almost limitless supplies of raw material). We produce a unique material that significantly improves the characteristics of metals, plastics, rubber, ceramics, glass, lubricants etc: Diamond blend DB (UDDG) - a diamond-graphite mixture, Ultra dispersed diamond UDD - a pure diamond powder, as well as Water and Oil Suspensions of either DB or UDD with a 1-5% concentration and the size of nanoparts max. 80-150 nm, are just some of the products we are able to offer now and in future! We have the strongest team of scientists, which has gone from the initial opening and introduction of nanodiamonds in 1960, then introducing the first commercial production in 2000, to finally now being ready to supply worldwide: • Prof. Doc. Vyacheslav Danilenko (Danilenko) – Russia • Prof. Doc. Christian Schönefeld (Schonefeld) - Germany • Doc. Hubarevich Tatiana (Gubarevich) - Russia • Acad. Nikolai Novikov (Novikov) - Ukraine • Doc. Bogatyreva, Galina (Bogatyreva) - Ukraine • Doc. V. (Volodimir) Padalko (Padalko) – Ukraine