Medical Devices - , Beijing Shi, China
北京纳米维景科技有限公司(简称纳米维景)成立于2014年3月,公司致力于新型放射成像技术,提供新型探测器等核心部件及整体2D/3D成像解决方案,为医疗、工业领域影像设备厂家创造新的商业机会。纳米维景的主营业务为X射线光子探测器核心部件、新型CT解决方案。纳米维景团队拥有十几年放射影像产品研发经验并在业界积累了深厚背景,在成立之初就获得了天使投资的青睐。目前纳米维景的技术取得重大突破并获得了风险投资,开始了工业和医学放射成像领域的应用产品开发。公司正处于快速发展的关键时期,我们诚挚地向社会各界发出邀请,热烈欢迎微电子、软件、算法、硬件等专业人才和有识之士加盟,期待您技术过关斩将、市场开疆拓土,携手共建纳米维景美好未来!我们这里有:温馨和谐的企业氛围,轻松快乐的工作环境;标准工时制及不定时工作制、带薪年假;丰富的团队活动:聚餐、度假、拓展、娱乐;完善的薪酬福利体系:基本工资+绩效奖金+五险一金+午餐补贴+通讯费补贴+交通补贴+生日福利+节日福利;我们推崇人性化,我们还在行进途中不断改进!如果您拥有梦想,寻求突破,欢迎您加入到纳米维景。 Nanovision Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd was established in March 2014. Our company is committed to research a new generation of radiological imaging technology, we provide the new core components of radiology imaging and the whole package of 2D/3D imaging solutions.Nanovison mainly specilized in the core components of X-ray photon counting detector, and new CT solutions. The achievement of our company will create new business opportunities for medical and industrial imaging equipment manufacturers. Our research team are constituted by the engineers with profound background in the field of radiology imaging and they have focused on R&D works of radiological products more than ten years. We got the Angel investment at the initial stage. Now we have made big progress and got the new investment, committed to focus on the application for radiological imaging in medicine and industry.Our company is in rapid expansion at this stage, we sincerely invite and warmly welcome the talents of microelectronics, software, algorithms, hardware, etc.
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