Government Administration - , ,
The National Agency for the Evaluation of Public Policies and Quality of Services performs an institutional role combining the goals of improving the quality of public services, rationalising the use of public funds, and enhancing the public accountability of government bodies. Evaluation is a key tool to ascertain the effects and outcomes of government intervention. It is, in fact, an instrument of good governance. The Agency is one of the government bodies created by the Ley 28/2006, de 18 de julio, de Agencias estatales para la mejora de los servicios públicos (the "Central Government Agencies Act 2006"). It is the first such body created by the Act in accordance with a new model of public management, of a piece with the process of updating and innovation across Spanish government in line with the European Union principles of governance: accountability, effectiveness, participation, openness and coherence. The goal of the Agency is to:- Improve public services and our understanding of the effects on society of public policies and programmes;- Promote more rational public spending and optimal use of resources;- Support the productivity and competitiveness of the Spanish economy by removing red tape; and- Enhance accountability to citizens and reinforce democratic quality by promoting transparency and participation.