Schools - Eugene, OR, US
The National Institute for Direct Instruction is a non-profit organization dedicated to...1. Providing continuous administrative and curricular support to schools and districts as they implement Direct Instruction (DI) programs.2. Conducting, promoting and publicizing high-quality research on the effects of DI implementations.NIFDI is uniquely qualified for these tasks as its founding members include the creators of DI. NIFDI's implementation support consultants are experienced teachers with advanced degrees and five to 25 years teaching experience in DI. Many of the senior consultants are co-authors of the DI programs. NIFDI's leaders have more than 30 years experience with school and district implementations of DI in all types of environments.Since its formal creation in 1997, NIFDI has supported DI implementations in 18 states (California, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois, Kansas, Louisiana, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska, New Jersey, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Washington, and Wisconsin), the territory of Guam and Cape York Australia. In Guam, NIFDI implemented the comprehensive Direct Instruction model in 24 elementary schools and all middle schools for several years. In Texas, NIFDI works with IDEA Schools, Inc. to implement the comprehensive Direct Instruction model in 10 elementary schools and a Special Education DI intervention in IDEA high schools.
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