Recreational Facilities & Services - Kuala Lumpur, Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
NAUI Asia-Pacific (formerly NAUI Pacific Rim), since April 1, 2001, is the service center for members of the National Association of Underwater Instructors (NAUI) residing in the countries of the Asia-Pacific.NAUI Asia-Pacific was commissioned to distribute and disseminate all the teaching and training material of NAUI Worldwide, associated merchandises, as well as the issuance of certification cards and wall certificates to NAUI-qualified divers.NAUI Asia-Pacific has undertaken the translation and printing of headquarters issued texts and other training materials into regional languages, and will endeavor to make available all major NAUI texts in the major languages of the region. The first such translated works which are now available are the Chinese and Korean versions of the Scuba Diver Textbook and Dive Table, the Scuba Diver Instructor Guide in CD version, NAUI's Standards & Policies and Risk Management and et cetera.NAUI Asia-Pacific also serves as the conduit to consistently improve and upgrade the level of proficiency and efficiency of its members, ensuring that they remain the premier-trained instructors in the sport of recreational diving, with overall responsibility and emphasis on Dive Safety Through Education, the Association's motto.