Electrical/electronic Manufacturing - , ,
Company ProfileCompany name NETALIVE Inc.Head officeDate of Establishmen t January 20th 2000 (Inauguration: June 1st 1998)Capital 17,000,000 yen (As of September 30th 200 8)Representative President Kazuya Maedahttp://na4u.com/CompanyProfile_En.pdfNETALIVE is known that implemented card terminal(castles techonogy 's VEGA 7000)and connecting system for IKEA-JAPAN's POS renewal in 2010.Description of business 1. Merchant OneDevelopment and management for Settlement terminal of credit card and settlement network.Planning/development/selling of loyalty point system and infrastructure by using magneticcard/Contactless IC smart card (Mifare, FeliCa, Osaifu-Keitai (Wallet Mobile) etc.)2. ApricotManagement of non-face-to-face settlement network like as settlement of credit card and onlineconvenience store etc. and provision of function for merchant management and analysis.Consulting work for overall credit card settlement system.3.Customized development of web systemDevelopment and management of website for business purposes and ASP service, buildingnetworks (Keywords: Apache, MySQL, XHTML, CSS, SEO, SSL, php, Java, ajax, Linux, FreeBSD,CentOS etc...)Strategic partnersCastles Technology Co., Ltd.