Civic & Social Organization - Copenhagen, Capital Region of Denmark, Denmark
"Conflict prevention and peacebuilding are cost-effective ways of improving human lives in the long run"The Danish Network for Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding joins an international chorus of actors advocating for addressing violent conflicts through conflict prevention and peacebuilding. The Network is for Danish actors, primarily NGOs, but also public and private stakeholders, invested in humanitarian and development projects in the Global South. Its key purpose is to generate and share practical knowledge on peacebuilding and conflict preventive programming and facilitate capacity building among Danish actors.The Network was launched in April 2018 by the Danish Refugee Council, Oxfam IBIS, the Danish Council for International Conflict Resolution (RIKO), CARE Denmark, Danmission and the Danish Center for Conflict Resolution. As of February 2019, the Coordination Group consist of Danish Refugee Council (lead), Oxfam IBIS, RIKO, Conducive Space for Peace, Danmission and the Danish Center for Conflict Resolution.JOIN THE NETWORKThe Network intends to combine and build a best practice from actors engaged in conflict-affected societies, that be in a thematic, strategic or pragmatic manner. Actors engaged in work relevant to the Network are therefore invited to join the network. You will receive updates about the Network and invitations to future events hosted under the Network and are encouraged to contribute with events, which are relevant to conflict prevention and peacebuilding.Register for the Network here: Network will host and facilitate a number of workshops, trainings and learning opportunities. Some of the topics which will be worked on are: 'Core Concepts in Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding', 'Institutionalising Conflict Analysis', 'Conflict Mediation' and 'Conflict Analysis and Conflict Resolution'. E: