Biotechnology - San Luis Obispo, California, United States
Neurocept Inc is a Supplement Corporation that manages the production,marketing, and distribution of "nootropic" supplements. Nootropics are defined asdrugs, supplements, or substances that enhance cognitive abilities and arecommonly known as "brain pills" or "smart pills". Neurocept Inc will focus onseveral distribution markets as a roadmap towards consistent and steady growth.These distribution markets include the study-aid market for college students andthe sales supplements market to assist individual sales rock stars or highperforming sales teams across the nation. Within the past five years, interest inNootropics have grown due to the carefully cultivated perception that certainsupplements and substances can be combined to induce enhancements in cognitiveability. The concept of Nootropics have gained popularity within the tech industryas notable "bio-hackers" have experimented and documented their experienceswith Nootropics. Anecdotally, Nootropics have been used with success in WallStreet circles as well. However, efficacy of Nootropics is grounded inpharmacological research and outside the realm of anecdotal evidence.. TheNational Center of Biotechnology Information has published many reports thatfocus on substances and chemicals associated with the Nootropic industry. AtNeurocept Inc, we recognize the objective results of published scientific reportsand experiments. At the same time, we are also cognizant that the effects ofNootropics are grounded in both objectivity and subjectivity; which suggests thateach individual client of Neurocept Inc will have to determine on an individualbasis whether our Nootropic supplement is effective or not.