Hospital & Health Care - Leander, Texas, United States
Neuroschematic is a web based application that provides the user with a simple and interactive graphic illustration of the peripheral nervous system. The application is designed with the student of peripheral neuroanatomy in mind, specifically the electromyographer in training. Experienced clincians will also find the application useful as a reference guide. This program may be used by educators and students as a study aid or employed during an electrodiagnostic examination. The application is the format of a schematic diagram and complete anatomical validity is not the priority. All of the muscles and nerves have been included in the program for the sake of completeness. The program is designed for the user to be able to simulate a nerve lesion by selecting a point on the diagram and view structures affected downstream that will be highlighted and displayed. The user can thereafter select and navigate to more focused views and expand the detail of individual structures. Within each view, the application can open an array of features such as: nerve and muscle labels as the user moves through the diagram, modals that display lists of anatomical structures and a dynamic color display.The Neuroschematic Project began when the vision of a physician and a web developer combined to build a comprehensive technology tool that could provide a way to quickly locate clinically relevant information in the peripheral nervous system within an elegant graphical layout. With the fields of web technology and medicine rapidly growing, a unique opportunity is presented to introduce a visual web technology into the niche of electrodiagnosis.