Oil & Energy - Golden, Colorado, United States
Mission Statement:To creatively and intelligently apply cost effective and environmentally friendly refining technologies to improve the efficiency and quality of crude oil enhancements and thereby supports the growth and wellbeing. • Ease of transportation on land or water• Remote Locations / On-Shore & Off-Modular & Mobile Design• Limited Installation Time & Requirements• Shorter Processing Times• Scalable to Any Size Production• Increased Petroleum value added products• Minimal Maintenance and Operational Downtime NEXCRU technology operates on crude feedstock in conjunction with natural well or waste gas through a process that operates at a significantly lower operating pressure and targeted high temperatures. More than just a refining process, NEXCRU represents an improvement in both the technical and economic rewards of crude oil enhancement, including usable, high-grade diesel, kerosene and gas fuel at the wellhead. Value Proposition for Heavy/Light Crude Processing • Wide HTL Range / API 8 to API 60 + Diluents • LTF / Diesel Products • High Yield & Contaminate Reduction • Environment Friendly Conversions & Products• Scalable Process Volume• Closed Loop System Values • Green Production Process / Emission Free • Recycle Savings in Carrier Gas• Low Pressure — Max 15psi • Placement Indoors or Outdoors • Clean & Odor Free Environment • Maximize Production Yield • Minimal By-Product Loss FINALLY - FULL SERVICE SOLUTION PROVIDER In addition to delivering our fully-integrated technology platform to our projects, we will provide a complete set of services and support, including facility design, start-up assistance, and technology upgrades, engineering systems and constant technology support, as well as our proprietary core technology components of our process. We believe that by delivering services and working closely with our customers, we can maximize our earnings opportunities and anticipate future needs.
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