Museums - Lewiston, ID, US
We collect, preserve and disseminate historical information about Lewiston, the County, and the surrounding area. The Nez Perce County Historical Society & Museum centers on the history of the area before and after Nez Perce County began. The exhibits include geology of our area, the Nez Perce Tribe, Lewis-Clark, when and how Lewiston began, the territorial Capitol in Lewiston, agriculture, businesses, fire department, law enforcement, organizations, logging industry, women's history, depression, world wars, sports & recreation, Lewiston Roundup, Lewiston-Hollywood, rivers and transportation history. Also, in each exhibit rooms are hands-on, "Are You A History Detective?" for 4th grade and up. After completion, you will receive a prize. Come and see our great exhibits and learn all about your local history.We invite you to visit the Nez Perce County Museum and become members of the Society. With membership you will receive by mail the museums annual pictorial calendar, semi-annual issues of the Golden Age journal publication and free admission. Our research library is available by appointment. Also, we have a small gift shop of various books and souvenirs. For more information, stop by and visit us or visit our web site at: Our hours are Tuesday-Saturday 10AM-4PM. Winter season closure December 20-February. Entry fee for adults is $4.00; Seniors(Age 60+) is $3.00; Students(7-17) is $2.00; Children(6 and under) free.Visual Statement: The Nez Perce County Historical Society enriches our community through involvement of citizens and institutions in the discovery, preservation, and sharing of our local history.The Nez Perce County Historical Society was founded in 1960 but the museum officially began in 1963. Our Museum Store has books by local historian authors and miscellaneous Lewiston and Idaho items.