Machinery - Apeldoorn, Gelderland, Netherlands
Nederlandse Inkoopcombinatie Installatietechniek (NiCI) , the Dutch Group Purchasing Organisation for Installation Technology. Creating leverage in purchasing power for companies active in installation technology and electrical engineering (E & HWS) based on the collective buying power of its members. NiCI succeeds in solving procurement and sourcing concerns by aggregating the demand for products and services used in the installation/engineering process and delivering deep savings on materials and services by issuing rebates, discounts, and preferred pricing to its members. The combined buying power helps members save money on their purchases, also enabling considerable time saving.NiCI is a member of DPS Services ( Services includes GPO's for a wide range of industries:• (Group Purchasing Organisation for Civil Engineering)• (Group Purchasing Organisation for Construction)• (Group Purchasing Organisation for Installation Technology)• (Group Purchasing Organisation for Construction Material) (Group Purchasing Organisation for Landscapers and Commercial Horticulturists).
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