Machinery - Ningbo, Zhejiang, China
Founded in 2008, we supply to domestic injection machinery factories, a storage center with all kind of parts form all china and at cost effective, HaitianPart is headquartered in Ningbo, In heart of injection machinery factories, like leaders Haitian Plastics Machinery Ltd, Haitai, Sansun or Yongjiang…. in 2014 HaitianParts supplier Ltd. start to provide spare parts in all world for all kind of brand in more than 35 countries for about 2000 kind of machine. As a world leader in machinery parts, we choose to specialise our self in Haitian machine and provide all kind of manufacturing parts all compatible with injection machine and respect of quality like ISO 9001 manufacturing, engineering, and all standards. HaitianParts is focused on providing a range of spare parts for all you machine at cost effective.