- Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India
"निर्विघ्नम" is a NGO registered under M.P Society Registration Act 1973. "निर्विघ्नम" started with a belief to ‘Bridging the gap between Education and Employment' is the cause Nirvighnam works for. We at Nirvighnam strongly believe that it all starts with strengthening the education to life approach and developing education as an integrated system assuring the youth survival, participation and growth. This direly requires the Educators to update themselves with latest trends, techniques, methodologies and opportunities available, to connect better and make a difference.Our initiative• To provide employment and entrepreneurship-linked skills training to provide advantage to young people • To up skill educators and teachers through ‘Train the Trainers' (TOT) approach so that they deliver relevant and ‘learner-focused ‘content to end beneficiaries