International Trade & Development - Parma, Emilia-Romagna, Italy
Our mission is to work with business to create a just and sustainable world. We envision a world in which everyone can lead a prosperous and dignified life within the boundaries of the Earth's natural resources.The role of business is to create and deliver products and services in a way that treats people fairly, meets individuals' needs and aspirations within the boundaries of our planet, and encourages market and policy frameworks that enable a sustainable future. NKENGNETWORKS role is to catalyze change within business by integrating sustainability into strategy and operations, and to promote collaboration among companies and their stakeholders for systemic progress toward a just and sustainable world.We offer a range of consulting services--all designed to help your company reach its potential. Whether you're looking for a small tweak or complete overhaul, we have you covered. Our services are available a la carte so you can get precisely what you need. Whatever your situation and the challenges you face, we have solutions.We want to help maximize your company's performance. Schedule a consultation appointment with one of our human resource experts so we can determine what your company needs to invest.Whether you're a young start-up, a mid-sized company or a corporate powerhouse: if you're looking to boost your top line, you've come to the right place! Whatever you need to do - expand into new markets, increase your sales team for a new product launch, or ramp up your sales force quickly and at a low cost - NKENGNETWORK can help you find the right sales partner.Discover on-demand sales agencies covering a wide range of services such as business development, direct sales, indirect sales, inside sales/ demand generation, sales operations, sales support and sales consulting - and many more.