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Nobel EgyptThe First Initiative of Student Youth on the scope of Egyptian universities, We Are A Group of Active and Energetic Youth Seeking to Develop The Scientific Research in Egypt through Simulating The NOBEL Prize in Many Fields.Our Idea :Nobel-Egypt was established in 2007 in Helwan & Cairo university under supervision of faculty Of Economics and political sciences ,Cairo University To spread the scientific research culture among their students in noble prize fields (Physics, Chemistry, Literature, Economy). MissionSpread Scientific Research culture, and Exploring the capabilities of our youth, and work to develop, strengthen and promote these capabilities to provide Our Arab nation by researchers, scientists able to do scientific ideas are applicable and are within our VALUESNobel-Egypt Vision :We believe that we will establish- In shaa' Allah – "A Scientific Research Academy"Where all Scientists and Researchers from all over the world hope to study in.Nobel-Egypt Values :- Scientific Research.- Volunteering.- Learning & Teaching .- Commitment .-Quality.- Effective communication.- loyalty.We Believe .. We will ACHIEVE .. Inshaa'Allah