Publishing - Vilnius, Vilnius County, Lithuania
Nonlinear Analysis: Modelling and Control (ISSN 1392-5113 | eISSN 2335-8963) is an international, free open access journal which publish research and design publications of nonlinear processes and phenomena, including the nonlinear modelling of phenomena of the nature. The journal accepts contributions on nonlinear phenomena and processes in any field of science and technology.The aims of the journal are: to provide a presentation of theoretical results and applications; to cover research results of multidisciplinary interest; to provide fast publishing of quality papers by extensive work of editors and referees; to provide an early access to the information by presenting the complete papers on Internet.More about NAMC:* Open-access and free of charge* Indexed in Web of Science Clarivate Analytics* Impact factor 3.257 (2020) (Q1)* Scopus CiteScore 4.6 (2021) (Q1)