Internet - Boston, Massachusetts, United States
Noodle is the best way to find the right school, college, tutor, or other educational resource.There is no one-size-fits-all solution in education; what matters is finding the right path for you, based on your interests, strengths and needs. Noodle seeks to empower you with the information and tools you need to find that path—whether that's the right preschool, college, tutor, or learning resource.Noodle is an alternative to pointless rankings, and to lead-generation sites that simply drive students to the highest bidder. By holding our content to the highest standards, we strive to bring you the personalized, authentic, and honest information you deserve.Whether you are just starting your research, want to narrow down your options, or have a specific question, Noodle can help. Read advice and ask the experts Get free help and advice from a community of experts and friends about every aspect of your education.Search and compare providers Search detailed, unbiased information on more than 700,000 education providers and resources. Noodle aggregates data from the most trusted sources so you can spend less time digging through websites and more time focusing on your future.Organize your search, create lists, share them, and get feedback from the people who matter most to you.