Religious Groups - Cuba, NY, US
We believe every person needs to COME to Christ. We believe that in Christ, the whole person GROWs and is becoming who they were created to be. We believe that faith works, and that Christ creates, in the faithful worshiper,the desire to SERVE.At North Park we offer a variety of ways to connectyou with our church family. We offer small groupsand activities for all ages throughout the week. OnSundays, however, we all gather in the churchbuilding to sing, pray, and learn about God and whatHis desire is for our lives. We invite you to stop inand join the activities or, if you would be morecomfortable, simply watch and listen. We desire toserve our neighbors to the best of our ability and toteach others about Jesus Christ. We want to helpyou, and we want you to find a place with us. Wehave many outreaches throughout the year. To findout more about them, or if you have a need orconcern that we might be able to address, pleasefeel free to contact us.
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