Mental Health Care - Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia
Our vision is to provide a collective and independent voice for people with lived experience of issues related to mental illness, addiction, trauma and suicide in the Northern Territory - particularly those with individual experience of these issues. People with lived experience, hold vital knowledge about what is needed from the system, both for individual care and at broader levels. The Northern Territory is the only state or territory that has no jurisdictional peak body representing the interests of mental health 'consumers', or history of there ever being a network. Our objective is to provide an avenue for Territorians with lived experience to use their knowledge and expertise to inform policy development and how services are planned, developed, delivered, and evaluated.We are a volunteer driven initiative instigated by local people with lived experience. Our volunteers have sought to make meaning and create purpose from their personal experience or experience caring for someone affected by issues related to mental illness, suicide, trauma or alcohol and other drug use. Our volunteers and members share a desire to use their knowledge and experience to ‘make the system better'.