Semiconductors - Dubai, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
The industrial development, global population growth and increasing urbanization translate into increasing needs for energy and access to clean and affordable water. NOVA VIA recovers these essential goods. THE NEW ERA OF MEMBRANE TECHNOLOGY Based on 30 years' experience in membrane technology, NOVA VIA now extracts perfectly clean & disinfected water out of difficult resources with minimal amounts of energy; a fundamental factor in todays' economy and sustainability concept; a fundamental factor of a client's profitability. (1) WATER & ENERGY RECOVERY OF COMMERCIAL LAUNDRIES Installing this unit saves up to 80% of utility bills for water & related electricity. It recovers water & energy and produces perfectly clean & hot water. The required surface footprint is minimal; the achieved savings are phenomenal. (2) ESTIDAMA - WATER RECYCLING IN BUILDINGS Up to 80% of grey or blackwater are recycled on site and reuse for irrigation, toilets, cleaning, etc. Recovering water & energy, this solution can contribute to nearly 60% of ESTIDAMA requirements for Pearl 2 rating. (3) MBRs – MODULAR SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANTS NOVA VIA's MBR integrates membrane technology with a biological process. The membrane provides a substantially clarified and disinfected effluent of high quality to be discharged to sensitive receiving bodies or to be reclaimed for applications such as urban irrigation, utilities or toilet flushing. (4) WATER EXTRACTION, BIOENERGY & FOOD WASTE MANAGEMENT NOVA VIA extracts and purifies water out of the digestate of biogas plants. (1) The production of biogas is increased up to 70% (2) Zero digestate solution (3) Recovery of a clean water for reuse (4) Recovery of phosphorus (NP Fertilizer)