Human Resources - Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India
We are an Information portal to keep the candidates updated about all the Internship & Job opportunities available in India whether it is a Work from Home, Part-Time or Full-Time. At NowIntern, we always believe in the saying " Now Is The Opportunity ". We play the role of Talent Acquisition/Recruiter for the corporates by helping them in their team building by hiring the best talent from across the country.We are trying to form a culture where Internship is taken seriously by developing a central platform for all the Genuine & Paid Internship Opportunities. For Students, we have: Live Projects Updates Internship & Job Opportunities Mentorship Certification Updates Skilling WebinarsAre you looking for Interns/Employs??Drop a mail at info@nowintern.inWe'll try our best so that every student gets to know about the Internship available and apply for the same.We are only the information provider and don't take guarantee of any internship.
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