Maritime - Groningen, Groningen, Netherlands
Nautical Technical Training Academy NTTA is a professional training academy with a very broad and specified range of educational possibilities for personnel that is already working in, or would like to be retrained for, the maritime sector. We also have different courses that accommodate early school-leavers. We are one of the leading schools when it comes to Safety and Safety Training in the maritime sector. NTTA has been accredited by the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science as the only non-funded vocational school within the maritime sector in the Netherlands.At NTTA capability and dedication of our staff and students is what counts. Our teachers do not only have a broad range of theoretical knowledge at their disposal, but also possess a broad range of practical experience. It is this experience that makes developing new teaching material and teaching itself a source of inspiration for our students and course membersØ NTTA exists of teachers & trainers with year-long practical experience,Ø our student training is not funded by the Dutch government,Ø we offer over 25 different course modules, to put together a personalized curriculum, Ø our broad range of courses in various languages are supported by multimedia.